Advicelocal is delivered by the advice charity rightsnet.
We've developed advicelocal to help if you have (or someone you're in contact with has) a social welfare law problem - for example in relation to welfare benefits and tax credits; council tax; debt and money advice; housing and homelessness; employment and work issues; disability and social care; or asylum and immigration.
We hope that using advicelocal will help you to find out more about your rights and entitlements; to feel more confident about getting help with the questions you have; and to find local sources of advice and support.
How does advicelocal work?
Using advicelocal is easy. Just enter a postcode and choose an advice topic to find links to tailored information for your area, including details of free, independent advice organisations who can help you get the information and support that you're looking for.
Do also make use of our My advicelocal feature which enables you to create your own personalised lists of resources.
NB - Please be reassured that we don't use your postcode information for anything other than providing you with the information you've asked for, and for collecting anonymised statistics on site usage. For more information, please check out our cookies and privacy policy or contact us if you have any other questions.
Advicelocal for organisations
We've developed advicelocal in consultation with advice organisations across the UK. We hope that the site will help more people to find out more about their rights and entitlements; to feel more confident about getting help with the questions they have; and to find local sources of advice and support.
We also hope that those of you that are 'problem noticers' and 'signposters' - for example those working in education or health settings - will find the site valuable in you supporting and/or referring on those that you're in contact with.
Add our search or advice map to your site - If you have a website, we have a widget that you can use if you'd like to add advicelocal search to your site, or why not generate a link to an advice directory map for your local area.
Find out more from our Get the widget and Your local advice map pages.
Thanks to our supporters
We've developed advicelocal thanks to funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, and support from the Access to Justice Foundation. We're also grateful to the MapIt team at MySociety for their support with the mapping elements of the service.
Many thanks also to those who supported previous versions of advicelocal including City Bridge Trust; the Big Lottery, Trust for London & the Greater London Authority.
Advicelocal was a finalist in the 'Access to Justice through IT' category at the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards.
Get in touch
We love your feedback. If you have a query or comment about advicelocal, please contact us. And do let us know if you come across a resource that you would like to share with others.
Please note however that we're not able to offer assistance to individuals directly. Instead, we'd strongly urge you to contact a local advice centre to get the help that you need.
Keep in touch
We're always adding new content to the site, so do keep checking back. Or keep uptodate with the latest developments via our rightsnet bluesky account.